At Metro Atlanta Urban Farm (MAUF), we believe everyone deserves access to affordable high quality produce. Our certified, naturally grown produce is grown and harvested with care by the hands of staff and volunteers who support an equitable food distribution system. We provide gardening and agricultural training to ensure families learn to feed themselves and to create future generations of urban agriculturalists.
Welcome to our Farm. We invite you to explore, learn, eat, and grow with us!

In the fall of 2017, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Karen Purcell and MAUF’s Bobby Wilson shared preliminary results of research exploring issues that affect collaborations between ICBOs (Independent Community-Based Organizations) and informal science institutions.
This research, shared at the American Community Gardening Association Conference, and its findings are part of the ideas that form the foundation of the NOISE Project.

Whether it’s noise pollution or healthy food, the good of the community is always on Bobby’s mind.
Too often we think of urban ag[riculture] as food production, but I’d like to think urban ag is twofold: one, food production and two, community organizing. (Bobby quoted in Food Well Alliance)

At the 2017 National Alliance for Broader Impacts Conference, Bobby presented MAUF’s work that aims to reduce barriers to healthy living in urban communities.
Part of MAUF’s mission includes partnerships with Cornell University and ICBOs around the country.