By Phyllis E. Turner On a recent visit to Miami with my two granddaughters, ages nine and ten, I had […]
Decision-Making Tool
Below you can access a copy of our decision-making tool that the ICBOs co-created.
Guide to Equity in Birdwatching (Spanish)
“Guide to Equity in Birdwatching” Reflections and Experiences, is a tool to invite you to reflect on issues such as […]
Noise Project Impact Statements
In this document, members of the NOISE Project team share how this project impacted them.
Noise Refuge and Wellness Booklet
This booklet was created by CLUES Community Science Collaborators (CSCs): Alma Sanchez, Christina Neubauer, Lizeth Pineda Roldan, and Tania Acevedo […]
Funded by
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. #DRL-1811234: “Developing the Processes and Potential to Engage Historically Underrepresented Communities in Public Participation in STEM Research Through Authentic and Impactful Collaboration” (NOISE Project). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.