This is a concept pulled from the Community Coding Codebook. In the context of our coding, we define this as fragility, sensitivity, and/or shutting down in the face of change or confrontation. We apply this code when individuals demonstrate these behaviors in reaction to discussions about race and/or equity. This is […]
Mateo Castelli
Equity and equality are two terms that are used frequently in justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity work. Both of these terms revolve around individual and population needs and the resources that meet those needs. Although they may sound similar there are some key differences that are important to keep in […]
The Noise Project brings together the goals of furthering science and furthering equity. Our team carries out Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR), which is a method of research conducted at the community level by engaging with individuals and organizations in the community to further science. Traditionally, the focus of CBPR has […]
The Noise Project aims to enhance equity in collaborations between science institutions and communities. Equity is so important to our collaboration that we include it in our co-created Community Review Board Agreement of non-negotiables that guide research and evaluation in our communities. In order for researchers to partner with community […]
Gender inequality occurs when someone is treated or perceived differently because of their gender. For example, many women face added barriers in the workplace due to their gender. These barriers include anything from subtle acts of sexism to discrimination. For example, women will be more likely to be spoken over […]
Equity and equality are two terms that are used frequently in justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity work. Both of these terms revolve around individual and population needs and the resources that meet those needs. Although they may sound similar there are some key differences that are important to keep in […]
Critical Race Theory and Counter-storytelling have been used in many fields including law, education, history, LGBTQ studies, Latino studies, and Asian studies. When thinking about the field of science, you might be wondering: why would a scientific research study be interested in critical race theory (CRT) and counter-storytelling? Is the […]
Counter-storytelling is a major tenant of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and is used to elevate minority voices, perspectives, and experiences. This method allows minority narratives to rise up and challenge the traditional narratives that shape our society. In this previous post, you can find a general introduction to Critical Race […]
By Luna Castelli Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a movement that joins together activists and scholars who study and aim to transform “the relationship among race, racism, and power”(1). Originally started in the legal discipline, this theory has spread to various fields of study, research, and activism. Nowadays, CRT is […]
Before attending University, the term academic elitism would have meant nothing to me. Today, this term represents the boundaries and challenges that strung together the years of my academic career. Academic elitism, ever-present in my life for the past five years, changed the way that I experienced and interacted with […]
Noisy transportation and your health When you imagine a busy intersection what do you hear? Many times, this image is accompanied by the loud sounds of tires, car horns, and rumbling trucks. Now imagine adding the sound of a train or subway running next to the intersection and an airplane […]
Metro Atlanta Urban Farms have brought Noise Pollution and Citizen Science to their community youth by working with a group of Junior Community Science Collaborators. Together they have been working on education, awareness, and research on Noise Pollution. In our Full project meeting in April, the Junior CSCs brought us an amazing presentation on the […]