The NOISE team is happy to be starting a new participatory research project using PhotoVoice! The Community Science Collaborators on our team will be bringing this fun and creative research technique into their communities.
What is PhotoVoice
PhotoVoice is a community-based participatory research method that allows participants to share their own perspectives and ideas through pictures and art. Using this medium community members feel empowered to bring their realities and experiences into the light, many times revealing issues that are overlooked or ignored. This kind of project can help bring about social awareness and change.
Our NOISE PhotoVoice Project
Our team has decided on one question that we will bring into our communities to jumpstart this PhotoVoice project:
“When you think about silence, what images come to mind”
With this question we aim to foster discussion of noise pollution, increase understanding of its effects, and gather community perspectives. We hope this project engages our communities and empowers them to bring their voices forward about noise pollution within their communities. Because our team is spread out all over the US, and even in Mexico, this project will give us a broad understanding of the issues faced in many different communities. We hope that our communities are able to speak to about their unique experiences, needs, and desires through this creative project.
How You Can Become Involved
You can become a PhotoVoice scientist! Before you do this make sure to download and complete the consent forms.
The first form gives you the ability to be a PhotoVoice researcher, so fill it out before you start! The second form must be filled out if you are photographing another individual so you have their permission to use the photos you take of them.