Bird song has become a popular method of sound therapy and can benefit humans, especially those experiencing the stress of noise pollution. Reduces Stress The sound frequencies of bird songs help humans restart mentally and provoke relaxation. Bird sound is also reassuring because they sing when they feel safe. Promotes […]
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Other than Noise Induced Hearing Loss, there are many more health effects of noise pollution that may not be as well known.
Noise Induced Hearing Loss Noise Induced Hearing Loss is a permanent hearing impairment that occurs as a result of: Chronic exposure to high levels of noise Sudden exposure to high levels of noise Determining Factors of NIHL There are certain parameters that can help determine if someone (or how someone) […]
Unbeknownst, noise pollution and gentrification are more closely related than you may think. Noise pollution can help maintain gentrification, a system of oppression, and gentrification can help increase noise pollution. Gentrification is a process in which there is an increase of middle-class or wealthy people who start businesses, renovate and […]